Sometimes when we are already an all growed up person,we forgot our childhood wishes,we forgot what we wanted to be,like a doctor,an actress,an astronaut, a basketball player,a singer,we wanted to be many things, in fact...I wanted to rule the world,and make of it a better place to my family and my friends; I´m trying everyday to make of this world a better place,it´s a small effort,but if at least someone notice of it,it will worth.
Never stop dreaming,always keep your dreams and hopes alive,don´t let the people to broke them, or to smash´em.Always fight and keep your face up,cuz you are the only one who´s gonna to live those dreams,like I say the mostly of time "Live for the Glory,Fight for the Glory,Die for the Glory,and th Glory will be yours".
I know that you all have dreams,and I want you to know,that I always will be supporting you to make´em com true.I´m your friend and nothing more,but like J. Henry Dunant said during Solferino´s battle "Tutti fratelli or tutti cabronatti",nah,just kidding,he didin´t said the last part xD...he said "Tutti Fratelli" ,eu o sonno nostro fratello, if a wrote it wrong,forgive me,I´m still learning that language.
Never give up,never surrend.
Greetings from "Las Vegas" xD I always wanted to say that.
Kisses and take care.
4 comentarios:
Son casi las 3 de la mañana... no puedo dormir, estoy medio histerica por los examenes y vas tu y escribes una entrada toda en ingles... eso es maltrato psicologico!!!!! jajajaja
Creo que volvere a leerla mas despierta, de todas formas... solo decirte que vivir siempre soñando... es perder el norte en segun que ocasiones... no dejes de soñar, pero no dejes que esos sueños nublen la realidad.
¿Querer un mundo mejor para ti, familia y amigos? eso lo queremos todos... ojala ese sueño, si se haga realidad... al fin y al cabo, todos lo tenemos ¿no? mas mentes luchando por ello...
Que lindo! yo si estoy añun despierta xD
Me gusta mucho como y que escribes. Me subes el ánimo ^^ y tienes razón. Yo escribí una entrada sobre sueños jeje...
Aunque sinceramente, hay veces en el que el mundo decide romperte las ilusiones, quebrarte las piernas... y duele. Pero aunque cueste hay que volver a levantarse ¿no?.. eso hay que aprenderlo y sé que tu lo sabes
wolas amigoooooo!!!, me facino tu blog ,en cuanto actualize el mio, espero sea pronto ¬¬, ya te agrego a una lista de mis links favoritoss, nos vemos pronto chaussssss!!!!
My Dear Carlos, first of all, thanks for your kind comments to my blog. Hope you visit it soon again! I only want to say that all that man has acomplished was first conceived in the shape of a dream, so keep dreaming and working hard on your dreams!
Oh, just one question: what does "xD" mean?
Take good care, bless.
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